This collection is a compilation of lineage-linked trees submitted by users. These trees are hosted on MyHeritage in a read-only mode to assist family historians in discovering the rich details and important clues that lineage-linked trees can provide in advancing genealogical research. This is an excellent source for those looking to find their french roots since Filae is one of the leading genealogy websites in France. Records typically include first and last names, dates and places of births, marriages, and deaths. Individuals in this collection are linked to parents, spouse(s), siblings, and children and each record links back to the same individual on Filae. Information on living people is not displayed to protect privacy. This collection is updated automatically to reflect changes made to the original trees on Filae by their respective submitters.<br><br>The Filae Family Trees can be found on <a href="" target="blank"></a>. Filae is owned and operated by the MyHeritage Group.